As Christians we are called to be the stewards of all of God’s creation. Everything we are and have comes from God. Our role is to serve and care for his kingdom and his people.
“Some aspects of stewardship are defined by the extent of the gifts God entrusts to us.
- Has he given you wealth? Steward it in service of the needy, both in kind and by way of the influence which wealth gives.
- Has he given you position? Fill it gracefully and for the good of all those whose lives you affect.
- Has he given you talents of various kinds? Use yours for the benefit of the community. Whatever the uncommon gift, it is given to serve. So steward it.”
- (Source: Faithful in All God’s House, Gerard Berrghoef & Lester Dekoster, 2013, Christian Library Press)

On this site you will find resources from a variety of sources including articles, videos and presentations contributed by our diocesan stewardship team. It also includes webinars on stewardship developed and presented in collaboration with our partners in the Lutheran Synod of Saskatchewan and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Regina.
Our approach to stewardship is very broad, and in addition to the traditional elements of ‘time, talent, and treasure,’ it includes care for Creation, fostering generosity in our younger members, management of church properties, partnering with different faith groups, and care for self. You can search our resources by keywords and themes.