Raising Children to Give

3:00pm, March 9, 2023

Raising Children to Give: A Stewardship Workshop

Thursday, March 9 at 3pm in Saskatchewan (4pm Eastern)
Also available on YouTube at https://bit.ly/Ecumenical-Stewardship

Generosity is a spiritual practice, just like prayer. Yet so often children are left out of discussions about stewardship and giving. In this engaging webinar, educators and authors Traci Smith and Laura Alary will share practical ways to open the conversation and nurture generosity and giving with children all year long.

All are welcome to join this free 1-hour online webinar offered in the spirit of the LAURC Covenant by the Ecumenical Stewardship Committee of the Anglican Diocese of Qu'Appelle, the Saskatchewan Synod of the ELCIC, and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Regina.

Scan to register

Please register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErfuGqrjIiHtJ67gXFWRwTYdb_BdQeMx8J or scan the QR code

For further details contact Nick Jesson at [email protected]

Laura Alary is the coordinator of the McKay Educational Resource Centre at Caven Library, Knox College, Toronto. The McKay Centre focuses on faith formation and congregational life and incorporates a growing Picture Books in Ministry collection. A former Christian education coordinator, Laura is also a writer and storyteller. Her books include Read, Wonder, Listen: Stories from the Bible for Young Readers, the church year series Make Room, Breath, and Look! and most recently Sun in My Tummy, The Astronomer Who Questioned Everything, and Here: The Dot We Call Home.

Traci Smith is a pastor, mother of three, and author of three books Faithful Families: Creating Sacred Moments at Home, Prayers for Faithful Families: Everyday Prayers for Everyday Life, and Faithful Families for Advent and Christmas: 100 Ways to Make the Season Sacred. Traci’s passion is helping families find times for connection and spiritual nourishment amid the hustle and bustle of daily life. Traci speaks to both ministry leaders and families about faith formation at home and trends in faith formation within the church. Her weekly newsletter, Treasure Box Tuesday, provides weekly resources, links, and inspiration. Traci has a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and undergraduate degrees from Calvin College.